About Us

About us
About us

Our Vision

Our goals are to promote our Buganda cultural heritage and identity through instruction on the Luganda language, music, and cultural norms of the Baganda people. We strive to provide a space and opportunity for youth and young adults to build connections with others who share similar Buganda origins or friends of Buganda.

Our Mission

To promote the Buganda culture through the learning of the Luganda language, music, and other Buganda cultural norms to children and young adults living in the diaspora.

About us

Our Vision

Our goals are to promote our Buganda cultural heritage and identity through instruction on the Luganda language, music, and cultural norms of the Baganda people. We strive to provide a space and opportunity for youth and young adults to build connections with others who share similar Buganda origins or friends of Buganda.

About us

Our Mission

To promote the Buganda culture through the learning of the Luganda language, music, and other Buganda cultural norms to children and young adults living in the diaspora.

We Meet Virtually


We meet virtually every Saturday at 10:30am-11:30am (EST)

In Person


The 2nd Saturday of the month, we meet in-person for 3 hours ( 12:00 PM to 2:00 pm) at Aspen Hill Community Library, Medium Room, 4407 Aspen Hill RD, Rockville, MD, 20853

Private Lessons


We offer limited opportunities for private lessons.

We Meet Virtually


We meet virtually every Saturday at 10:30-11:30am (EST)

In Person


The 2nd Saturday of the month, we meet in-person for 3 hours ( 12:00 PM to 2:00 pm) at Aspen Hill Community Library, Medium Room, 4407 Aspen Hill RD, Rockville, MD, 20853

Private Lessons


We offer limited opportunities for private lessons.

Our Values

community colored Connections - Strive to foster, build and maintain a connection of Buganda cultural norms While living outside Uganda.

community colored Community - We remain an integral part of the Baganda people wherever we may reside in the diaspora.

conversation colored Communication - Learning the Luganda language, music or games enhances our ability to communicate.

contribution colored Contribution/reaching back - Our volunteers demonstrate this and encourage our students to do the same.

friend colored Cultural preservation - We achieve this through teaching and passing on what we have, and what was passed on by our forefathers.


Our Values

community colored Connections - Strive to foster, build and maintain a connection of Buganda cultural norms While living outside Uganda.

community colored Community - We remain an integral part of the Baganda people where ever we may reside in the diaspora.

conversation colored Communication - Learning the Luganda language, music or games enhances our ability to communicate.

contribution colored Contribution/reaching back - our volunteers demonstrate this and encourage our students to do the same.

friend colored  Cultural preservation - We achieve this through teaching and passing on what we have, and what was passed on by our forefathers.



 Luganda language instruction

 Buganda traditions, customs


 History / Geography 

 Music & Dance 







one number Luganda language instruction

 two 1Buganda traditions, customs

three number Food 

 fourHistory / Geography 

 five numberMusic & Dance 



eight Crafts
